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HD 36436



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Fundamental properties of pre-main sequence stars in young, southern star forming regions: metallicities
Aims. The primary motivation for this project is to search formetal-rich star forming regions, in which, stars of super-solarmetallicity will be created, as hopefully, will be extra-solar planetsorbiting them! The two aims of this project are: 1) to show that oursample stars are young, lithium rich, magnetically active andnon-accreting kinematic members of their respective regions. 2) Tomeasure the metallicity for such members. Methods. The feroséchelle spectrograph together with eso's 2.2 m telescope, wasused to obtain high resolution (R = 32 000) spectra for each of ourweak-lined T-Tauri target stars. The wavelength range of the spectra is≃4000{-}8000 Å. Results. We find (pre-main sequence)model-dependent isochronal ages of the Lupus, Chamaeleon and CrA targetsto be 9.1 ± 2.1 Myr, 4.5 ± 1.6 Myr and 9.0 ± 3.9Myr respectively. The majority of the stars have Li i 6707.8 Åequivalent widths similar to, or above those of, their similar massPleiades counterparts, confirming their youthfulness. Most stars arekinematic members, either single or binary, of their regions. We find amean radial velocity for objects in the Lupus cloud to be RV=+2.6± 1.8 km s-1, for the Chamaeleon i & ii clouds,RV=+12.8 ± 3.6 km s-1 whereas for the CrA cloud, wefind RV=-1.1 ± 0.5 km s-1. All stars are coronally andchromospherically active, exhibiting X-ray and Hα emission levelsmarginally less, approximately equal or superior to that of their olderIC 2602/2391 and/or Pleiades counterparts. All bar three of the targetsshow little or no signature of accretion from a circumstellarenvironment, according to their positions in a J-K/H-K'diagram. For the higher quality spectra, we have performed an iron-linemetallicity analysis for five (5) stars in Chamaeleon, four (4) stars inLupus and three (3) stars in the CrA star forming regions. These resultsshow that all three regions are slightly metal-poor, with marginallysub-solar metallicities, with <[Fe/H]> = -0.11 ± 0.14,-0.10 ± 0.04 and -0.04 ± 0.05 respectively. Conclusions. Asample of stars in several nearby, young star-forming regions has beenestablished, the majority of which is young, lithium rich, magneticallyactive and are non-accreting kinematic members of their respectiveclouds. Within the errors, each region is essentially of solarmetallicity.

ROSAT HRI catalogue of X-ray sources in the LMC region
All 543 pointed observations of the ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI)with exposure times higher than 50 s and performed between 1990 and 1998in a field of 10°\ x 10°\ covering the Large Magellanic Cloud(LMC) were analyzed. A catalogue was produced containing 397 X-raysources with their properties measured by the HRI. The list wascross-correlated with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Propotional Counter(PSPC) source catalogue presented by Haberl & Pietsch (1999) inorder to obtain the hardness ratios for the X-ray sources detected byboth instruments. 138 HRI sources are contained in the PSPC catalogue,259 sources are new detections. The spatial resolution of the HRI washigher than that of the PSPC and the source position could be determinedwith errors mostly smaller than 15'' which are dominated by systematicattitude errors. After cross-correlating the source catalogue with theSIMBAD data base and the TYCHO catalogue 94 HRI sources were identifiedwith known objects based on their positional coincidence and X-rayproperties. Whenever more accurate coordinates were given in cataloguesor literature for identified sources, the X-ray coordinates werecorrected and the systematic error of the X-ray position was reduced.For other sources observed simultaneously with an identified source thecoordinates were improved as well. In total the X-ray position of 254sources could be newly determined. The catalogue contains 39 foregroundstars, 24 supernova remnants (SNRs), five supersoft sources (SSSs), nineX-ray binaries (XBs), and nine AGN well known from literature. Anothereight sources were identified with known candidates for these sourceclasses. Additional 21 HRI sources are suggested in the present work ascandidates for SNR, X-ray binary in the LMC, or background AGN becauseof their extent, hardness ratios, X-ray to optical flux ratio, or fluxvariability. Table 4 is only and Tables 1--3 are also available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

A ROSAT PSPC catalogue of X-ray sources in the LMC region
We analyzed more than 200 ROSAT PSPC observations in a 10 by 10 degreefield centered on the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and performed between1990 and 1994 to derive a catalogue of X-ray sources. The list contains758 sources with their X-ray properties. From cross-correlations of thePSPC catalogue with the SIMBAD data base and literature searches we givelikely identifications for 144 X-ray sources based on positionalcoincidence, but taking into account X-ray properties like hardnessratios and source extent. 46 known sources are associated with supernovaremnants (SNRs) and candidates in the LMC, most of them already detectedby previous X-ray missions. Including the new candidates from\cite[Haberl & Pietsch (1999)]{HP99} based on variability studies ofthe sources in our PSPC catalogue, the number of X-ray binaries in theLMC increased to 17 and that of the supersoft sources (SSSs) to 9. Theremaining ~ 50% of the identified sources comprise mainly foregroundstars (up to 57) and background extragalactic objects (up to 15). Theoften distinguished X-ray properties of the different source types wereused for a first classification of new, unknown X-ray sources. Eight newPSPC sources are classified as SNRs from their hardness ratios and onepromising new SNR candidate with extended X-ray emission is foundfurther north than all known SNRs. Three soft X-ray sources havehardness ratios compatible to those of the known SSSs. A selection onhardness ratios and X-ray to optical flux ratio further suggests 27foreground stars and 3 AGN.

Magellanic Cloud X-ray sources observed with ROSAT
This paper is the second in a series which presents ROSATHigh-Resolution Imager (HRI) observations of previously known X-raysources in the Magellanic Clouds. This paper includes new data on 31X-ray sources discovered by Einstein Observatory as well as 16serendipitous ROSAT sources. Optical photometry and spectroscopy wereobtained to search for identifications and to determine the physicalnature of these sources. Optical finding charts showing the ROSAT-HRIpositions are given for 35 sources, and where appropriate candidates oridentified counterparts are marked. Twenty-nine of these sources areoptically identified with objects including X-ray binaries and supernovaremnants in both the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, foreground(Galactic) stars, and background active galactic nuclei. For previouslyknown sources, there is evidence that more than half of them exhibitX-ray variability. (SECTION: Stars)

UBV photometry of galactic foreground and LMC member stars. I - Galactic foreground stars
UBV photometry of 955 galactic foreground stars in the direction to theLarge Magellanic Cloud is presented. The stars have been chosen fromforeground star catalogs and have been measured to complete a new database containing entries of more than 5000 stars in the direction of theLMC. First and second order extinction coefficients at La Silla/Chileare given, which differ from the standard values because of the 1991eruption of the volcano Mt. Pinatubo.

Positional reference stars in the Magellanic Clouds
The equatorial coordinates are determined of 926 stars (mainly ofgalactic origin) in the direction of the Magellanic Clouds at the meanepoch T = 1978.4 with an overall accuracy characterized by the meanvalues of the O-C coordinates, Sa = 0.35 arcsec and Sd = 0.38 arcsec,calculated from the coordinates of the Perth reference stars. Thesevalues are larger than the accuracy expected for primary standard stars.They allow the new positions to be considered as those of reliablesecondary standard stars. The published positions correspond to anunquestionable improvement of the quality of the coordinates provided inthe current catalogs. This study represents an 'astrometric step' in thestarting of a 'Durchmusterung' of the Magellanic Clouds organized by deBoer (1988, 1989).

X-ray survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud by ROSAT
The central region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) contains avariety of astrophysical objects including supernova remnants, X-raybinary systems, the 30 Doradus complex of hot stars, as well assupernova 1987 A. A survey in X-rays of this region, taken as the 'firstlight' observations with the Roentgen Observatory Satellite (ROSAT),reveals 45 individual sources. Fifteen of these are new; the brightestis probably a new and strongly variable low-mass X-ray binary.

The Galactic foreground reddening of SN 1987 A
Walraven photometric observations of 41 Galactic foreground stars in thedirection of SN 1987 A were used to investigate the interstellarreddening originating to material inside the Galaxy. Two differentmethods, one using the galactic reddenings around SN 1987 A from thedistribution at the sky, and one presenting the reddenings as a functionof the distance, both yield for the galactic reddening of SN 1987 AE(B-V) = 0.08 m + or - 0.01 m, which is larger than the usually assumedvalues. From the relation between the distances of the stars and theirreddening the thickness of the dust layer in the direction of SN 1987 Ais estimated at 110 pc.

Starlight polarization in the Magellanic cloud regions.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1976A&AS...24..357S&db_key=AST

Radial velocities from objective-prism plates in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud. List of 398 stars, LMC members. List of 1434 galactic stars, in the LMC direction
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974A&AS...13..173F&db_key=AST

Spectrographic and photometric observations of supergiants and foreground stars in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972A&AS....6..249A&db_key=AST

Mesures de vitesses radiales dans la direction du Grand Nuage de Magellan
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Vitesses radiales dans la direction du Grand Nuage de Magellan
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Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the revised system of the Yerkes spectral atlas
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1953ApJ...117..313J&db_key=AST

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Observation and Astrometry data

Constellation:Золотая Рыба
Right ascension:05h25m38.42s
Apparent magnitude:9.195
Proper motion RA:-15.2
Proper motion Dec:48.5
B-T magnitude:9.822
V-T magnitude:9.247

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 36436
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9166-667-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0150-03064906
HIPHIP 25369

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