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The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars We present the Name-list introducing GCVS names for 3153 variable starsdiscovered by the Hipparcos mission.
| Study of an unbiased sample of B stars observed with Hipparcos: the discovery of a large amount of new slowly pulsating B stars We present a classification of 267 new variable B-type stars discoveredby Hipparcos. We have used two different classification schemes and theyboth result in only a few new beta Cephei stars, a huge number of newslowly pulsating B stars, quite some supergiants with alpha Cyg-typevariations and variable CP stars, and further some new periodic Be starsand eclipsing binaries. Our results clearly point out the biased naturetowards short-period variables of earlier, ground-based surveys ofvariable stars. The position of the new beta Cephei stars and slowlypulsating B stars in the HR diagram is determined by means of Genevaphotometry and is confronted with the most recent calculations of theinstability strips for both groups of variables. We find that the newbeta Cephei stars are situated in the blue part of the instability stripand that the new slowly pulsating B stars almost fully cover thetheoretical instability domain determined for such stars. Thesupergiants with alpha Cyg-type variations are situated between theinstability strips of the beta Cephei and the slowly pulsating B starson the one hand and previously known supergiants that exhibitmicrovariations on the other hand. This suggests some connection betweenthe variability caused by the kappa mechanism acting in a zone ofpartially ionised metals and the unknown cause of the variations insupergiants.
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Созвездие: | Puppis |
Прямое восхождение: | 07h54m50.37s |
Склонение: | -45°39'50.8" |
Видимая звёздная величина: | 7.316 |
Расстояние: | 357.143 парсек |
Собственное движение RA: | -10.3 |
Собственное движение Dec: | 6.4 |
B-T magnitude: | 7.199 |
V-T magnitude: | 7.307 |
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