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HD 113865



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Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

Mapping the contours of the Local bubble: preliminary results
We present preliminary results from a long-term program of mapping theneutral absorption characteristics of the local interstellar medium,taking advantage of Hipparcos stellar distances. Equivalent widths ofthe NaI D-line doublet at 5890 Å are presented for thelines-of-sight towards some 143 new target stars lying within 300 pc ofthe Sun. Using these data which were obtained at the Observatoire deHaute Provence, together with previously published NaI absorptionmeasurements towards a further 313 nearby targets, we present absorptionmaps of the distribution of neutral gas in the local interstellar mediumas viewed from 3 different galactic projections. In particular, thesemaps reveal the Local Bubble region as a low neutral densityinterstellar cavity in the galactic plane with radii between 65-250 pcthat is surrounded by a (dense) neutral gas boundary (or ``wall''). Wehave compared our iso-column contours with the contours derived bySnowden et al. (\cite{snowden98}) using ROSAT soft X-ray emission data.Consistency in the global dimensions derived for both sets of contoursis found for the case of a million degree hot LB plasma of emissivity0.0023 cm(-6) pc with an electron density of 0.005 cm(-2) . We havedetected only one relatively dense accumulation of cold, neutral gaswithin 60 pc of the Sun that surrounds the star delta Cyg, and note thatthe nearest molecular cloud complex of MBM 12 probably resides at thevery edge of the Local Bubble at a distance of ~ 90 pc. Our observationsmay also explain the very different physical properties of the columnsof interstellar gas in the line-of-sight to the two hot stars epsilonCMa and beta CMa as being due to their locations with respect to theBubble contours. Finally, in the meridian plane the LB cavity is foundto be elongated perpendicularly to the Gould's Belt plane, possiblybeing ``squeezed'' by the expanding shells of the Sco-Cen andPerseus-Taurus OB associations. Tables 1 and 2 are also available inelectronic form at the CDS (Strasbourg) via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

FAUST observations of ultraviolet sources in the direction of Coma
We analyse an ultraviolet observation toward the Coma cluster by meansof the FAUST shuttle-borne telescope. We detect 56 candidate sources toa signal-to-noise ratio of 6.5. Most sources have optical counterpartsin existing catalogues and are stars. 10 sources with no listedcounterparts were observed at the Wise Observatory. We presentidentifications based on low-resolution spectrophotometry, and discussthe foreground stars and the galaxies, all in the foreground of the Comacluster. The FAUST image yields a higher fraction of hot evolved starsthan either of the North Galactic Pole or the Virgo regions, analysedpreviously. We identify these tentatively as cooling white dwarfs in theComa Berenices (Mel111) open cluster.

The Photometric Variability of Sun-like Stars: Observations and Results, 1984--1995
Using differential Stromgren b, y photometry, we monitored thebrightness variations of 41 program stars and their 73 comparison starsfrom 1984 through 1995. The predominantly main-sequence program starsspanned ranges of temperature and mean chromospheric activity centeredon solar values. About 40% of all the stars showed measurablevariability, typically at levels below 0.01 mag (~1%), on bothnight-to-night and year-to-year timescales. The variability correlatedwith mean chromospheric activity and advancing spectral type. We presentdifferential light curves and statistical descriptions of ourobservations.

Vilnius Photometry of Stars in the Area of SA 57
Interstellar reddening, as a function of distance in the direction ofthe North Galactic Pole (SA 57), is determined using the two-dimensionalclassification of 63 stars observed in the Vilnius photometric system.The average value of A_V calculated for the stars up to 800 pc distanceis close to zero (the mean value is A_V=0.01 mag) with a standarddeviation of the order of sigma =+/- 0.1 mag. This dispersion of pointsis exactly what is expected from the errors of measurement andclassification.

The central star of LoTr5 revisited.
We report on new photometric and spectroscopic observations carried outin 1994 of the late-type star HD112313 in the binary nucleus of theplanetary nebula LoTr5. From comparison with model spectra we derive agravity logg=2.7+/-0.5 and an effective temperature T_eff_=5250+/-200K,in full agreement with a spectral type G5III. Iron is found to be nearlysolar: [Fe/H]sun_^*^=-0.25+/-0.20dex. We estimate a projectedrotational velocity of 60+/-5km/s. No variations in the spectralcontinuum of the G-star have been detected within 5 observing nightswith exposure times of 4mn. In addition, no eclipses of the hot centralstar appear in the SWP spectra extracted from the IUE Uniform LowDispersion Archive. Our photometric observations confirm the existenceof two possible periods: P_0_=5.9d and its alias P_1_=1.2d, interpretedas the rotational period. By assuming a typical mass ofM_G_=1.1Msun_ for the giant and of M_SD_=0.6Msun_for the hot central star, we find that the rotational period P_0_ ismore realistic, and that the G-star is near break-up. We suggest thatthe rotational and orbital planes are not coplanar.

The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..135A&db_key=AST

A catalog of far-ultraviolet point sources detected with the fast FAUST Telescope on ATLAS-1
We list the photometric measurements of point sources made by the FarUltraviolet Space Telescope (FAUST) when it flew on the ATLAS-1 spaceshuttle mission. The list contains 4698 Galactic and extragalacticobjects detected in 22 wide-field images of the sky. At the locationssurveyed, this catalog reaches a limiting magnitude approximately afactor of 10 fainter than the previous UV all-sky survey, TDl. Thecatalog limit is approximately 1 x 10-14 ergs A sq cm/s,although it is not complete to this level. We list for each object theposition, FUV flux, the error in flux, and where possible anidentification from catalogs of nearby stars and galaxies. Thesecatalogs include the Michigan HD (MHD) and HD, SAO, the HIPPARCOS InputCatalog, the Position and Proper Motion Catalog, the TD1 Catalog, theMcCook and Sion Catalog of white dwarfs, and the RC3 Catalog ofGalaxies. We identify 2239 FAUST sources with objects in the stellarcatalogs and 172 with galaxies in the RC3 catalog. We estimate thenumber of sources with incorrect identifications to be less than 2%.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Systematic search for UV-excess quasar candidates in 40 square degrees at the North Galactic Pole.
We have developed a procedure (so called PAPA) for measurement ofmagnitudes (about 0.1mag accurate) and positions (with accuracy betterthan 0.5arcsec) of all the objects present on photographic platesdigitised with the MAMA machine. This homogeneous procedure was appliedto four Schmidt plates - in U, B and twice V - covering thePalomar-Sky-Survey field PS +30deg 13h00m, a 40-square-degree zone atthe North Galactic Pole. A general-interest exhaustive tricolourcatalogue of 19542 star-like objects down to V=20.0 has been producedand we selected 1681 quasar candidates on the basis of ultravioletexcess and, when possible, absence of any measurable proper motion. Theastrometric and photometric catalogue of the candidates is given inelectronic form. A first multi-object spectroscopy of a few candidatesconfirms validity of the selection.

Photometry of Stars in the Field of R Aurigae
Not Available

Photometry of Stars in the Field of ZZ Draconis
Not Available

Photometry for Stars in the Field of V Bootis
Not Available

The structure of the galactic halo outside the solar circle as traced by the blue horizontal branch stars
A complete sample of blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars in the magnituderange 13.0 less than or equal to V less than or equal to 16.5 isisolated in two Galactic fields that have previously been searched forRR Lyrae variables: SA 57 in the Northern Polar Cap and the LickAstrograph field RR 7 in the Anticenter (l = 183 deg, b = +37 deg).These BHB stars are a subset of the AF stars found in the CaseLow-Dispersion Northern Survey; lists of these AF stars were madeavailable by the late Nick Sanduleak. In the color range 0.00 less thanor equal to (B - V)0 less than or equal to +0.20, we candistinguish the BHB stars among these AF stars by comparing them bothwith well known local field horizontal branch (FHB) stars and also theBHB members of the halo globular clusters M3 and M92. The criteria forthis comparison include (1) a (u - B)K color index (derivedfrom photoelectric observations using the Stroemgren u filter and theJohnson B and V filters) that measures the size of the Balmer jump, (2)a spectrophotometric index lambda that measures the steepness of theBalmer jump, and (3) a parameter D0.2 that is the mean widthof the H-delta and H-gamma Balmer lines measured at 20 percent of thecontinuum level. These criteria give consistent results in separatingBHB stars from higher gravity main sequence AF stars in the color range0.00 less than or equal to (B - V)0 less than or equal to+0.20. All three photometric and spectrophotometric criteria weremeasured for 35 stars in the SA 57 field and 37 stars in the RR 7 fieldthat are in the color range (B - V)0 less than or equal to+0.23 and in the magnitude range 13.0 less than or equal to V less thanor equal to 16.5. For a small number of additional stars only (u -B)K was obtained. Among the AF stars that are fainter than B= 13 and bluer than (B - V)0 = +0.23, about half of those inthe SA 57 field and about one third of those in the lower latitude RR 7field are BHB stars. Isoabundance contours were located empirically inplots of the pseudoequivalent width versus (B - V)0 for thelines of Mg II lambda-4481 A, Ca II lambda-3933 A, and Fe I lambda-4272A. Solar abundances were defined by the data from main sequence stars inthe Pleiades and Coma open clusters. Data from the BHB stars in M3 andM92 defined the (Fe/H) = -1.5 and -2.2 isoabundance contours,respectively. Metallicities of all stars were estimated by interpolatingthe measured pseudoequivalent widths in these diagrams at the observed(B - V)0. The distribution of (Fe/H) found for the BHB starsin this way is very similar to that which we found for the RR Lyraestars in the same fields using the Preston Delta-S method. The spacedensities of these BHB stars were analyzed both separately and togetherwith earlier observations of field BHB stars. This analysis supports atwo-component model for the halo of our Galaxy that is similar in manyrespects to that proposed by Hartwick although our discussion refersonly to the region outside the solar circle.

A search for wide binaries at the north galactic pole using precise radial velocities
Precise radial velocities are presented from a survey of 247 starscentered on Selected Area 57 at the North Galactic Pole, complete forlate-type stars with V magnitude brighter than 12.0. The radialvelocities have a typical precision of 0.2-0.3 km/s. New spectral typesand distances estimates are presented for 120 of the stars in thesample. All pairs of stars with angular separations between 1 and 600arcsec have been considered, and 11 candidate pairs found with velocitydifferences less than 1.5 km/s. It is estimated that 4 or 5 of the 11candidate pairs are actually bound binaries, but none with separationslarger than 0.1 pc. The constraints imposed by these results on theactual distribution of wide binaries in the Galaxy should now bereanalyzed. The unusual precision of the velocities led to the discoveryof a new cluster associated with the multiple system ADS 8811 ABC.

Photoelectric photometry of bright stars in the vicinity of the North Galactic Pole
Not Available

Four-color and H-beta photometry near SA 57
Stromgren uvby and H-beta photometry has been obtained for 37 stars inand near the region of SA 57, the Selected Area nearest the northgalactic pole. These stars can serve as secondary standards forphotometric work in this region. Comparisons with previous photometryshows reasonable agreement. The data are analyzed to determineinterstellar reddening, metal abundances of the F-type stars, anddistances. On the average, the stars are somewhat weak lined, comparedto the sun. The reddening is close to zero.

Vacuum ultraviolet imagery of the Virgo cluster region
The results are reported of an experiment using the UV imager aboard anattitude-controlled S520 type sounding rocket. The total UV fluxes ofgalaxies in the Virgo Cluster as well as the flux level of the diffuseUV background around the cluster were measured. The data on NGC 4486 andNGC 4472 confirm the variation in the degree of the 'turnup' below 200nm in the energy spectrum of the total light of elliptical galaxies. Attwo-color diagram of galaxies of visual/near-UV/vacuum UV indicates thatcolors of spiral galaxies are distributed within a strip andwell-correlated with the morphological type, while elliptical galaxiesare located differently from spiral galaxies.

Lists of photometric AM candidates
The Geneva photometric m parameter (Nicolet and Cramer, 1982) is used inorder to select Am photometric candidates from the Rufener (1981)catalogue. Two lists are given, the first containing field stars and thesecond cluster stars. According to the photometric criteria thediffusion process probably responsible for the Am phenomenon takes placerather quickly as Am candidates are present in young clusters. It isconfirmed that the phenomenon is enhanced by low rotational velocity andhigh metallicity. The age seems to slightly affect the Am phenomenon.

Further Studies of A-Stars and F-Stars in the Region of the North Galactic Pole - Part Four - a Catalogue of Uvbyr Photometry and Derived Quantities
Not Available

Further Studies of A-Stars and F-Stars in the Region of the North Galactic Pole - Part Three - a Catalogue of Star Names and Positions
Not Available

Visual multiples. VII - MK classifications
Classifications are given for 865 components of visual multiples; theyshow no systematic differences from the MK system, and the random errorsare one subclass in type and two-thirds of a luminosity class. It isfound that at least 1% of the F-type IV and V stars are weak-lined, 32%of the A4-F1 IV and V stars are Am, and 5% of the A0-A3 IV and V starsare early-type Am. Attention is called to the large fraction (55%) ofthe A3-A9 III-V stars that are of luminosity classes III or IV, unlikethe percentage (16%) at neighboring types.

Polarization measurements and extinction near the north galactic pole
Polarimetric observations of 14 stars near the north galactic pole (NGP)are presented. The results are combined with previous measurements of 56additional stars in order to determine a lower limit to the interstellarextinction in the NGP region. It is shown that the general interstellarextinction near the NGP is at least about 0.03 mag and that there is acloud or cloud complex with interstellar extinction of at least about0.1 mag in the quadrant between galactic longitudes of 270 and 360 deg.The results also indicate that areas of higher polarization (i.e., moredust) apparently coincide with areas of denser neutral hydrogen, thatelongated H I structures are generally parallel to the galactic magneticfield in the NGP region, and that the ratio of H I column density tovisual extinction in the cited cloud or cloud complex is normal relativeto the general value in the Galaxy.

Studies of A and F stars in the region of the North galactic pole-II. uvby β photometry
Not Available

Studies of A and F stars in the region of the North galactic pole-I. Radial velocities and MK Classifications
Not Available

Luminosities and motions of AO to A2 stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972PASP...84..757E&db_key=AST

Interstellar reddening near the north galactic pole
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972PASP...84..497F&db_key=AST

Spectral Classification of a and F Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1970ApJS...19..281B&db_key=AST

The Motions of the A Stars at the North Galactic Pole
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1969PASP...81..741E&db_key=AST

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Constelación:Cabellera de Berenices
Ascensión Recta:13h06m10.20s
Magnitud Aparente:6.54
Distancia:107.875 parsecs
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:-63.5
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-10.8
B-T magnitude:6.613
V-T magnitude:6.521

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 113865
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1995-1473-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-06653041
BSC 1991HR 4948
HIPHIP 63933

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