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Uvby-beta observations of 528 type B stars with V between the 8th and 9th magnitude The paper presents uvby-beta measurements of 528 type B stars selectedfrom the SAO Catalog on the basis of two criteria: the spectral types inthe range B3-B5 and mV between the 8th and the 9th magnitude. Reddeningindependent (c1) values are estimated from the spectral classificationand compared to the observed values. No systematic trend with observed(b-y), H-beta, or spectral type appears to be present, but the range of(c1) residuals is surprisingly large. A rather large part of the starshas small beta values, smaller than for the BIa supergiants. Only twoare classified as O stars and most of them have the suffix e, ne, ornne. Most beta values for the O type stars are slightly above the upperlimit of 2.585 m.
| The galactic reddening law - The evidence from uvby-beta photometry of B stars Abstract image available at:
| H-beta photometry of southern early-type stars H-beta photoelectric photometry is presented for 209 southern hemisphereearly-type stars from the HD catalog with galactic latitudes /b/ greaterthan 6 deg. Four-color photometry exists for all these stars and MKtypes for most of them. Absolute magnitudes have been estimated for allbut the emission-line stars and distances from the sun and the galacticplane determined.
| Four colour photometry of southern early-type stars. Abstract image available at:
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